Saturday, February 25, 2017

Weekend Home and Trump Hates the Press

So I have the entire house to myself this weekend and it is a mixed bag. On the one side, school work and work on the Bulletin I help edit goes by rather quickly without much interruption (unless you count the Boxer who needs to go out to chase squirrels every ten minutes. On the other, I really do like having my four-year-old chaos monster around and my awesome husband, so it is super quiet. 

BUT.... I do get to have fancy tea time! Complete with yummy tea and fresh blooming rosemary picked from my small herb garden. 

Right now I am reading Gail Bederman's Manliness & Civilization, which looks at the transforming notions of manliness and power in connection to race during the Progressive Era in America, it is an interesting book, especially since the author uses character profiles to support her argument and explains Foucault in a way that does not make me want to cry tears of infinite sadness. 

And what about this news guys!

Trump is essentially picking what press is valid and continues to try to belie the New York Times and other legitimate news outlets that simply will not stand by while he lies and makes a mockery of the White House. 
OH the weird times we are living in... there are days I am very glad I am a historian of centuries ago. 

I am pretty much resolved as well that here in Georiga, we are not getting winter...its been early Spring since December and now its full on Spring with my peach tree getting ready to bloom and my allergies on par to explode anytime. 

I think I am going to leave this Washington Post article here about how the White House is actively trying to put the clamp down on the Russia story, because I think it is just going to get worse and we need to stay informed people!

White House Wants to Quiet Russia Questions

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