Today though, over a million women, all over the world, in a number of cities...came together to illustrate that they cannot be silenced or deterred.
Click here to see more photos of the women's march |
Oh... and on the fake news front... he is already off to a GREAT start...
He told the press, at a CIA meeting that he media is already lying about the crowds at his underwhelming inauguration and says that a million people attended 250,000 attended actually)
Sean Spicer, the new Press Secretary lies on his FIRST TRIP OUT in his job by saying it was the largest attended Inauguration ever. How awful for this country.
So the weather is working diligently to disallow me from pursuing my new hiking hobby and on my first full weekend off since the holidays, tornados and bad weather are infecting Georgia....even tomorrow... I swear its a conspiracy to keep me inside and wanting cake. That being said, I made a really healthy baked cod tonight with a side of roasted broccoli and cream peas. I had a pretty good Sam Adams grapefruit IPA to go with it. As for the diet portion of this healthy living quest, I have really abstained from soda (had two diet sodas this week and that is like 80% less than usual) and I've cut down on fatty and bad for you foods. I have exercised, not as much as I liked, but I have had the FLU this week and that will cut down on exercise for anyone... more progress next week.
School work has been a bit slow today too...I am still reading Wood's The Radicalism of the American Revolution, which I need to finish tonight so I can work on the text for my European Intellectual history course and edit two conference papers...and write two guest lectures. Who am I kidding, it may be stressy, but I love it.
In The News Today:
Huge Crowds for the Women's March
Inaugural Speech Not Good For Conservative Agenda
Prosecutors Getting Ready to Charge El Chapo
What does Trump's Executive Order Against Obamacare Do?
The Washington Post:
Historic Rebuke of President Trump
Terrorist Attack in Pakistan Leaves Many Dead
Deadly Tornado in Mississippi
Trump's Awkward Speech at CIA
Thinking about doing a short weekly podcast that will accompany the blog, if you have any ideas... email me at The Fariequeene
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